Wydania on-line brak - Mazowsze Studia Regionalne

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DOI: brak
Numer: 2015/17
Część I. Analizy i Studia / Part. I Analyses and Studies
Zbigniew Strzelecki, Regional Policy in Poland in the Years 2004–2013
DOI: brak
str.: 13
Roman Szul, Sub-National Regionalism and the European Union
DOI: brak
str.: 41
Tomasz Sławiński, Maciej Sulmicki, The 3S Model of Urban Sprawl in the Warsaw Functional Area
DOI: brak
str.: 53
Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Ewa Jastrzębska, Contemporary Leaders and Leadership. New Challenges for Women
DOI: brak
str.: 67
Andrzej Karpiński, Global Trends in Information Civilistation and the Labour Market in Poland
DOI: brak
str.: 79
Część II. Samorząd / Part II. Self government
Adam Struzik, Mazovia’s 2014–2020 Development Policy in its Strategic Documents
DOI: brak
str.: 91
Elżbieta Kozubek, Development Strategy of the Mazowieckie Voivodship until 2030 – development priorities
DOI: brak
str.: 97
Krzysztof Opolski, Sylwia Marciszewska Development Strategy of the Mazowieckie Voivodship 2030 – reflections
DOI: brak
str.: 103
Andrzej Karpiński, The Most Attractive Opportunities for the Mazowieckie Voivodship
DOI: brak
str.: 111
Zbigniew Strzelecki, Mirosław Grochowski, Małgorzata Kucińska, Tomasz Zegar, Contribution of Research Project to the Evidence-Based Development Policies – an Example of the Development Trends of Mazovian Region Project
DOI: brak
str.: 115
Część III. Varia / Part III. Miscellaneous
Krzysztof Kacperski, The Problem of Division of the Mazowieckie Voivodship into NUTS Units and the Accessibility of EU funds post 2020
DOI: brak
str.: 141
Krzysztof Kacperski, A Rich Bankrupt Region – Mechanism of Levelling out Income of Self-governing Territorial Units as a Barrier to Development of Mazowieckie Voivodship
DOI: brak
str.: 145
Michał Hackiewicz, Brief review of changes in European Airports Policies
DOI: brak
str.: 151
Elżbieta Mączyńska, Regional Asymmetries – Basis, Consequences and Counter-measures. Reflections on the Outline of the Book, a scientific edition by Krystyna Gawlikowska-Hueckel and Jacek Szlachta entitled “Recepiveness of Polish Regions to the Challenges
DOI: brak
str.: 159
Mirosław Grochowski, Development Potentials and Smart Specializations of Polish Regions – book review
DOI: brak
str.: 167
Information for the authors
Information for the authors
DOI: brak
str.: 173
Informacje dla autorów
Informacje dla autorów
DOI: brak
str.: 175